Chunmei Liu, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Howard University
Washington, DC 20059
Office: (202) 865-0056
Email: chuliu AT
Research Interests
- Computational Biology
- Algorithms
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Graph Theory
- Combinatorial Complexity
Selected Projects
- Data Science Training Core, NIH AIM-AHEAD, Co-I, 15M,
- "Foundations of Data Science Institute", PI at Howard
University, $285,000, 9/1/2020-8/31/2025.
- "Emerging Frontiers of the Science of Information",
PI at Howard Univ., $1,050,000, 8/1/2010 - 7/31/2020.
- "Collaborative Research: Developing Course Modules to Teach Service-Oriented Programming through Visualization", NSF TUES, Co-PI, $199,997, 8/1/2012-7/31/2016.
- "A System Biology Approach for the Fusion of Data between Multiple OMICS Platforms and the Conversation of Minimal Information for Utility", John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, PI, $25,000, 7/14/2011 – 9/15/2011.
- "Protein Identification via Graph Algorithms", 2009 NSF Faculty Early CAREER Award, $400,000.
Recent Publications
- Yinglei Song, Junfeng Qu, Chunmei Liu,”°Real-Time Registration of Remote Sensing Images with a Markov Chain Model”±,
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing.
- Felix Olowononi*, Danda B. Rawat and Chunmei Liu, "Resilient Machine Learning for Networked Cyber Physical Systems: A Survey for Machine Learning Security to Securing Machine Learning for CPS",
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, November, 2020.
- Bimal Ghimire*,Danda B. Rawat, Chunmei Liu and Jiang Li, "Sharing Enabled Blockchain for Software-Defined Internet of Unmanned Vehicles in Battlefield," IEEE Network, 2020.
- Guoliang Li, Jinhong Sun, Mohammad Rana, Yinglei Song, Chunmei Liu and Zhi-yu Zhu,”°Optimizing High-Dimensional Functions with an Efficient Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm”±, Mathematical Problems in Engineering ((7/2020).
- Ronald Doku*, Danda Rawat, Chunmei Liu, ”°On the Blockchain-Based Decentralized Data Sharing for Event Based Encryption to Combat Adversarial Attacks”±, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (4/2020).
- Christian Diaz*, Chunmei Liu, ”°A Survey on Algorithms for Big Data Analysis in Electromagnetics Scattering Problems",
The 13th International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications.
- Felix Olowononi*, Danda B. Rawat, and Chunmei Liu, ”°Federated Learning with Differential Privacy for resilient Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems”±, 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference(CCNC2021).
- Felix Olowononi*, Danda B. Rawat, and Chunmei Liu, "Trust-Based Adversarial Resiliency in Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems Using Reinforcement Learning,
Proc. of the Eighth International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications
(SSCC'20), Oct 14 - 17, 2020, Chennai, India.
- Ronald Doku*, Danda B. Rawat and Chunmei Liu, ”°Towards Federated Learning Approach to Determine Data Relevance in Big Data”±, IEEE 20th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, July 30 - August 1, 2019. Los Angeles, California, USA.
- Felix Olowononi*, Danda B. Rawat and C. Liu , "Dependable Adaptive Mobility in Vehicular Networks for Resilient Mobile Cyber Physical Systems", IEEE ICC 2020 Workshop on Secure and Dependable Software Defined Networking for Sustainable Smart Communities, 7-11 June 2020, Dublin, Ireland.