CSCI 570: Advanced Algorithms

Name: Advanced Algorithms
Course Code: CSCI 570, CRN 87061
Credit Hours: 3
Schedule: Tuesday 2:40pm - 5:00pm
Classroom: LKD 2113
Instructor: Dr. Chunmei Liu
Office: LKD 2038A /1019
Email: chuliu AT
Course URL:
Office Hrs: 10:10am-11:00am Tuesday & Thursday, or by appointment.
Textbook: Introduction to Algorithms, T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill.

Course Content:

This course provides an advanced study of computer algorithms. Beginning with the mathematical foundations for the subsequent topics, the topics include asymptotic notations and basic algorithm analysis techniques, analysis of sorting algorithms, algorithm design techniques such as divide-and-conquer, greedy, and dynamic programming, fundamental graph algorithms. In addition, students will be exposed to some advanced subjects such as optimization algorithms, and approximation algorithms.


The prerequisite for this course is CSCI 354: Computer Science 3. Students in the course should have significant programming experience. Students who do not have this background come to see the instructor first.

Grading Policy:

Your grade in this course will be determined as follows:

All activities will receive a numerical grade of 0-100. You will receive a score of 0 for any work not submitted. Your final grade in the course will be a letter grade. Letter grade equivalents for numerical grades are as follows:

A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 0-59

Note: No scale-up adjustment will be made if the grade is out of the range.

Assignments, exams, and policy on grading, late submissions and make-up exams:

Attendance policy:

All students are expected to attend classes regularly and punctually. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and group projects if any. Students should not leave the class while it is in progress unless it is extremely urgent or an emergency. Students that are absent for health reasons are expected to present documentation as soon as possible. If you are absent from classes or laboratory periods, you are still responsible for the work missed. If you miss a scheduled midterm or final exam, you must obtain your instructor's approval to take a substitute exam or you will receive a grade of zero for the exam.

Plagiarism Policy

Howard University has adopted a new policy on plagiarism and cheating. In short, all instances of plagiarism will be resolved by an office of the administration, which will conduct the appropriate hearings. See the section entitled "ACADEMIC CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT" on pages 26-27 of the "Student Reference Manual and Directory of Classes." ALL INSTANCES OF PLAGIARISM WILL RESULT IN ASSIGNMENT FAILURE AND REPORTING TO THE HOWARD UNIVERSITY Computer Science ADMINISTRATION.


Tentative Schedule (the actual schedule and course content may be a little different):

Date Topics Assignment Date Due Date
8/20 Mathematics Foundation    
8/27, 9/3 Introduction: Chapters 1-5    
  Homework 1:
3.1-1, 3.1-4, 4.4-1, 4.4-2, 4.4-8
9/10 9/17
9/10, 9/17 Sorting and order statistics: Chapters 6, 7, 9    
  Homework 2: 6.4-1, 7.2-1, 9.3-1, 9.3-3 9/17 9/24
9/24, 10/1 Advanced design and analysis techniques: Chapters 15-16    
  Homework 3: 15.2-1, 15.4-1, 15.4-2, 16.2-2 10/1 10/15

Midterm Exam

10/15, 10/22 Graph Algorithms: Chapters 22-24    
  Homework 4: 22.4-1, 22.5-2, #3, 24.3-1 10/22 11/12
10/29 Multithreaded Algorithms: Chapter 27    
11/5 Linear Programming: Chapter 29    
11/12 String Matching: Chapter 32    
11/19 Approximation Algorithms: Chapter 35    

Final Exam


Class Attendance Restricted to Registered Students

Only students whose names appear on the official course roster are permitted to attend class meetings.  Students who are not registered are not permitted to attend or participate in course activities, do not have access to Blackboard, cannot submit course assignments, and will not receive a grade for this course.  It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they are properly registered by the published registration deadline. Requests to add courses after the deadline will not be considered.

University ADA Policy:

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires institutions to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities. If you need special arrangements such as sign language interpreters or audiotapes of lectures, etc. ALL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED NO LATER THAN THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS.

Statement of Interpersonal Violence:

Howard University’s Policy Prohibiting Sex and Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation (aka, the Title IX Policy) prohibits discrimination, harassment, and violence based on sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or marital status.
With the exception of certain employees designated as confidential, note that all Howard University employees – including all faculty members – are required to report any information they receive regarding known or suspected prohibited conduct under the Title IX Policy to the Title IX Office ( or 202-806-2550), regardless of how they learn of it. For confidential support and assistance, you may contact the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program (202-836-1401) or the University Counseling Service (202-806-7540). To learn more about your rights, resources, and options for reporting and/or seeking confidential support services (including additional confidential resources, both on and off campus), visit